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united nations population fund中文是什么意思

用"united nations population fund"造句"united nations population fund"怎么读"united nations population fund" in a sentence


  • 联合国人口基金会
  • 人口基金会


  • The united nations population fund just released its yearly " state of world population " report
  • The united nations population fund just released its yearly " state of world population " report
  • The united nations population fund just released its yearly " state of world population " report
  • The united nations population fund just released its yearly " state of world population " report
  • United nations population fund ( unfpa ) china program - statement by sean mccormack , spokesman , 6242005
    美国对联合国人口基金援助中国限制生育项目表示失望, 2005年6月24日
  • The united nations population fund ( unfpa ) , the main united nations body involved in population issues , does not support or promote abortion in any country , nor does it provide assistance for abortion services or abortion - related equipment and supplies
  • The government of the united states is disappointed that the united nations population fund ( unfpa ) has decided to continue to provide financial and technical assistance to the chinese birth limitation program under the direction of china s national population and family planning commission
  • The team will be gathering information to assist the administration in determining whether or not the united nations population fund s china program is in violation of u . s . law ( the kemp - kasten amendment ) and whether the fund is therefore eligible to receive u . s . government funding as appropriated
    该小组将收集有关信息,以帮助布什政府确定联合国人口基金的中国项目是否违反美国有关法律(即《肯普-卡斯滕修正案》 ) 、进而确定该基金是否能够获得美国政府的拨款资金。
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